**This event is comprised of 3 stations. You will start at Station 1 with a partner of the opposite sex. At Station 2 you will work with your teammate of the same sex. At Station 3 you will work with the other teammate of the opposite sex.

Station 1: Row 1200m

A: 4 sets of 300m (2 each, alternating)
B: 8 sets of 150m (4 each, alternating)

Station 2: Chipper

50 Snatch (115/75)
50 Thrusters (115/75)

Station 3: Triplet

Triplet A:
2 Rounds
10 Ring Muscle Ups
20 Lateral Bar Over Burpees
30 DB Overhead Squats (55/35) *1 DB

Triplet B:
2 Rounds
10 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Lateral Bar Over Burpees
30 Pistols


You will work with each of your teammates throughout this Event. Male/Female pairs for Station 1, Same gender pairs for Station 2, and Male/other Female pairs for station 3.

When a pair completes a station, they will move to the next station and may begin immediately. Your row must be fully complete before you can start Station 2 but you do not have to wait until the other pair finishes the row before you start with your bar work.

It is your choice who does Part A or B for Station 1 and Part A or B for Station 3, as long as you work with someone different at every station.

For Stations 2 & 3, there is no minimum work for any player. 

When a pair finishes Station 3, they will run back across the finish line and their time will be recorded.

There will be a 22 min tapout. For any incomplete reps by a pair at the tapout time, your team will be assessed a 2 sec per rep penalty.

Your score will be Time A + Time B.

*Read up on the standards for each movement and rower.